Sunday Book Review: “The Book of Tea”

In the early 20th Century a Japanese art expert named Okakura Kakuzo wrote a slim volume called “The Book of Tea” wherein he attempted to bridge the cultural gap between East and West. He used the Japanese tea ceremony as a medium for explaining some of Japan’s less well-understood aesthetics and cultural values at a time when Japan was trying to “westernize” itself as quickly as possible. Read more [...]

The Emerging Multi-Family Household

So, those of us who live at the bottom of the food chain do what we always do, we adjust and adapt. One of these adjustments is the return of the multi-family household. More and more people are moving in with relatives as jobs succumb to layoffs or homes fall to foreclosure. Friends are doubling up as well. Read more [...]

A New Wrinkle for Cell Phones

One of the things, I love, love, love about technology is what it can do for people who don't have a lot of money. Yes, computers are expensive, but new web savvy devices cost less than a desktop computer or laptop used to, and the price of laptops also continues to fall. You need an email address? It's free. Read more [...]