Lessons From Wisconsin

It has also occurred to me that I at least need to re-think some of my conclusions regarding how to get along in these times. Much of what I have advocated here has been along the lines of evading the powers that have wrought so much havoc in the lives of so many by presenting a smaller target. Read more [...]

Lessons From Wisconsin and Elsewhere

But the whole argument over unions and the accusation that unionized public employees make more money than their private sector counterparts (they don't), or that unions created the economic collapse we see happening around us (they didn't) masks what I think it a basic philosophical difference or, perhaps more accurately, a mythical difference. Read more [...]

From Welfare State to Punishment State

I noticed some time ago that the guiding philosophy behind the conservative approach to social problems is the belief that every social ill (real or imagined) can be solved by applying the right punishment to the those suffering the most from said social problem. Read more [...]