The Quiet Revolution

The best way to summarize what is happening is that small (and some not-so-small) communities are starting to erect defenses against losing their local economies, natural resources, and quality of life to major corporations who are wont to move in, undermine or crush the local small businesses and replacing them with something less wholesome for the local environment, however one chooses to define it. Read more [...]

Meditations on the Abyss at the Urgent Care Clinic

I was sitting at my computer when I was hit by a sudden headache. It came on within seconds; the worst headache I’d ever had. Exquisite, excruciating pain; to borrow from Gibson’s Neuromancer, “…pain beyond anything to which the name of pain is given.” A quick Google search served to suggest that this could be very serious and I needed to see someone right away. Read more [...]